• Week: One
  • Topic: Watering
  • Stage: Seedling        


Hi Garden Friends!
Now that you have planted your seeds, I am sure you are thinking (and maybe worrying!) about how to best take care of your seeds to have them Germinate and turn into baby plants, or Seedlings.

If you’re like me, the big thing on your mind is “how much do I need to water my seeds/plants so they can become big and strong?” It’s a little bit of a science experiment as we all have slightly different growing conditions, but here is a good place to start! Pay special attention to “what to look for” so you can know how to adjust for your conditions.

How should I water?
Use 3-4 squirts of your spray bottle once a day. Make sure that you are spraying overtop of your seeds, but don’t forgot about the surrounding soil. You want a nice consistent moisture level to give your seeds a happy home so they can turn into seedlings.

When do I water? Is there a right time of day?
Yes! It is best to water in the morning or the evening. Try to avoid watering in the heat of the day as the sun will soak up, or evaporate, the water before your plant has time to turn it into food.

Why does the amount of water matter?
We want to give our plants the right amount of water so they can begin to germinate. This is when parts of the embryo break out of the seed coat.

What are signs I can look for?
  • Does the color of your soil look slightly lighter then after you watered yesterday? Time to water!
  • Does it look like your soil is shrinking away from the sides or becoming “smaller”? Definitely time to
  • water!
  • If you really aren’t sure what to look for, get your hands a little dirty! Stick your finger 1inch down into the soil, away from where your seeds are planted. Does it feel dry? Time to water!
Keep in mind that all our growing conditions are different. You may have to water more on hot days, especially since your plants are in the hot sun! Visit your plants every day, get to know them. Feel the soil, pay attention to what it looks like. In a few days we can all celebrate together when we see our seedlings start to show!

New Words to Remember
Germinate : To start or cause to start growth. The seed will germinate if it gets enough water and light.

Seedling : A young plant grown from seed.

Evaporate : To turn from water into vapor.

Seed Coat : The outer shell of a seed that protects the embryo.

Embryo : The inside of the seed – the part that will grow. As germination begins, parts of the embryo break out of the seed coat. One part grows downward. It becomes the plant’s roots, which take in water and food from the soil. Other parts grow upward. They become the plant’s stem and leaves, which absorb sunlight.